Proven Ways to Drive Free Traffic to Your Landing Page

April 25, 2020

A landing page is a term widely used when talking about digital marketing but what exactly is it? Well, it’s a standalone webpage with the sole purpose of furthering your marketing campaign. As the name suggests, it is where visitors “land” or end up when they click on a CTA …

What are the Top Marketing KPIs that all B2B Companies Need to Track

March 19, 2020

Running a business, especially a B2B or business-to-business company, entails having an effective marketing strategy to ensure that the company’s target goals are met. However, without knowing what aspect of your business marketing strategy to improve on, it can be difficult to translate these goals into actionable steps. This is …

How Google SEO Algorithm Has Evolved and Its Relevance to SEO Agencies

February 22, 2020

There’s really nothing new about the ever-changing landscape of SEO. In fact, Google implements changes in its own search algorithm up to 600 times a year, with at least one or more changes every day. This has left a lot of SEO professionals always on the lookout for those changes …

Solid Tips and Trends in 2020 on How to Create High Converting Landing Pages

February 10, 2020

In order to attract more visitors to your website, you have to make sure that you have a high-converting Landing Page. Landing pages are a big deal, especially for small business owners, e-commerce stores, and coaches to improve customer acquisition. However, it’s never that easy. In fact, creating and testing …


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