How Google SEO Algorithm Has Evolved and Its Relevance to SEO Agencies

February 22, 2020

There’s really nothing new about the ever-changing landscape of SEO. In fact, Google implements changes in its own search algorithm up to 600 times a year, with at least one or more changes every day. This has left a lot of SEO professionals always on the lookout for those changes …

Solid Tips and Trends in 2020 on How to Create High Converting Landing Pages

February 10, 2020

In order to attract more visitors to your website, you have to make sure that you have a high-converting Landing Page. Landing pages are a big deal, especially for small business owners, e-commerce stores, and coaches to improve customer acquisition. However, it’s never that easy. In fact, creating and testing …

Google Ads Bidding Strategies

What are Different Google Ads Bidding Strategies? A Complete Guide

December 13, 2019

While creating Google ads campaigns, we usually go with gut feeling rather than exploring and leveraging the best suitable bidding strategy as per our needs. This behavior is more like hitting the target blindfolded and being happy with resulted hitting point. In our ads campaigns case, the blind target is …

301 and 302 redirects and how do they impact your SEO?

November 30, 2019

Before we go on to discuss 301 redirections and its impacts on SEO(Search Engine Optimization), let us talk in brief about SEO. ContentsIntroductionWhat is a 3XX redirect?How does 301 redirect effects SEO?How does 302 redirect effects SEO?How does 301 or 302 redirect from HTTP to HTTPS affect SEO?Drawback of redirectsConclusion …

B2B vs B2C Landing Pages: Best Practices, Strategies and Examples

September 11, 2019

Landing pages are fundamental for online marketers who want to drive ‘qualified’ traffic and leads to their businesses. Without one, you’ll struggle to convince potential customers that you’re the go-to expert or business in your industry.  Although landing pages are important for both B2B and B2C marketers, since they both …

How to Power your Mobile Ad with High-Converting Landing Pages

July 7, 2019

ContentsMobile Ads IntroductionGoogle-friendliness Update and Mobile-first IndexUse a Data-Driven Approach to Online Advertising1. Communicate clearly with mobile customers1. The use of loose and filler words such as ‘best’ or ‘very’ 2. Lack of Clear Value Communication3. Do you Expect your Users to Fill 10 fields? i). Do not intimidate the customerii). …

7 Steps to Online Advertising to Grow Your Revenue

June 2, 2019

I’m sure you’re ready to generate leads and grow your business this year. And one way to measure that is through your revenue. As a matter of fact, you need to reach more prospects and gain more customers to increase your chances of growing your revenue. With the huge number …

Google AdSense Tips I Didn’t Know and Wish Someone Had Told Me

May 1, 2019

ContentsIntroduction about Google AdSenseAdSense Optimization Tips Active View CPM — What Is It?  How Does AdSense Define CTR and Page view? Best Optimization Practices for Google Adsense 1. Minimize Invalid Traffic a). Content b). Watch Social Media Traffic c). Contact Google 2. Blocking Categories 3. Getting Higher CPCs with Smart …

How to Promote Landing Pages With Facebook Ads

April 3, 2019

ContentsSetting the ground for landing pages promotion with Facebook ads1. Create a detailed buyer persona 2. Ad targetingSaved audiencei). Locationii). User demographicsiii). Interests or BehaviorCustom Audiencei). Customer Fileii). Website trafficiii). App Activityiv). Engagement on FacebookLookalike audienceFacebook Ads Funnels3. Facebook Lead Ads4. A/B test your ads 5. Ensure message match6. Maintain …

How to Use Google Ads for Traffic Generation in 2019

March 13, 2019

ContentsSetting the Google Ads Traffic Ground1. Increase your budget2. Use keyword research to find keywords with higher search volumes3. Use head keywords4. Improve your ad copy5. Adjust your keyword matchingBroad MatchBroad Match ModifierPhrase MatchExact MatchNegative Keywords6. Increase your location targeting7. Ad extensions1. Promotion Extension8. Retargeting9. Test your ads continuouslyi). Ad …


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